While choosing the career we need to be focus on three things
What we are?
What we will be?
What will be your future?

What we are ????
Now days we are pressurized by our parents . They have their own Opinion and suggestions for the children . The second big problem is Finance , Resources and Social life. Where are wrong is we are just focusing on what others are doing . why we can not get success . our big mistake is we are not focusing on what we can do.

The career success id depends on numerous factor
your skills
your ability to do work
your concentration power
your Smart work
your hawork
Regardless of this we need sometime for our hobbies , for our social life and for our enjoyment as well.

Whenever we ask some one that which filed you prefer to choose . most probably the answer will be Engineering , Medical , Accounts , Finance , MBA and B.com.

Why this ????
Because we people are just adopting the culture and running behind others . Without knowing our strength . In these well known field the competition become so high, People come from sound educational background, might be they are toppers in their class.
so your competition will be with the toppers.

here what exactly you need is your Smart Work and Hard work also your Concentration Power.
you guys knows that the selection chance is low but why you are putting your self in risk????

Just because others ....

Have you ever think that in these qualifications you need to spend money at the entry level. Entry Test Fee. which could be 1lakh. The probability is 1/100.

what do you think that is it a good option to compete with them . In this case you are spoiling your money .

Career doesn't mean your qualification . career depends on what you can do with your 100%  Focus.
Biggest mistake is without judging yourself we are just running behind others why???? Because its my parents dream.

With out judging your potential level don't play games . if you get fail you will suffer your failure disappointment and there is a loss of money as well.

there are many field in the market the thing is you need to check the market potential. What are the other fields available in the market?
In modern Era every one busy with the computer laptop , so why not have a computer certification . some English language certification and think what else you can do .

If a person is being using laptop he/she should have macular or back pain. why not go for physiotherapy ,so can understand the things  that in the world of computer sooner and latter people will suffer this problem. So that time they need physiotherapist means they need your skills
so better option is to go for some professional computer certification and English language certification and having different and Unique skills where you can be topper of your followers .
your handwork and smart  work can be done properly