Stages of Career

Choosing right career is the way to promote your skills with in the organization. It offers to the employees the vision of the career promotion and the career extension in the organization.
Career path is the process used by an employee to draw a path way for development of the career. Before choosing your career please consider on your career goal, objective and ambition. Then have a look on your knowledge, experience and personal Skills.


Our career influence

There are some constraints while drawing a way to design our career.The factors affecting career are  parent’s income level, Social life of family and choosing the institute for studies . These issues make our career scope into narrow down and lead us to certain direction.
The careers of parents, their aspirations for their children and their financial sources are critical factors in shaping our observation of what careers are open to us.
This time span of our exploration will end in twenties and we are ready to start work.
Furthermore, this is the time we start discussing with our teachers with friends with our fellows to take suggestions regarding which field best describe my skills. Discussing these things with others is having some advantages and disadvantages as well.  We make many dreams which can be true and sometime can’t be. Sometime with the passage of time dreams can’t be true and these dreams and expectation become a cause of frustration in the life.  


Everyone is looking for a good job with a big dream and with great enthusiasm at this stage. This is the time span when what you have read you have to implement in practical life. There is an equal chance of failure as well in the real world.
The candidate has to show the full efficiency level to be on peak of productivity. Nevertheless, the candidate hardly gets the job that empower the high status.


The great man starts more struggling in this stage to make the status balanced or either to improve the status and achievement is the workplace. Some people may have lost their hope, they can’t perform accordingly. The graph of career then starts declining. To make the career status up, need to attend some value added qualifications
This all depends on your social life what you desired from your life how big is your dream. how you are tackling with the responsibilities where is your performance graph what are the others alternative ways you have to hunt and finally your priorities.

Late Career

Who are the late career people? those who perused the career from the mid-career the world opens the door of opportunity for them. it’s a nice movement when candidate is successfully reached at the desire level. The new employees used to praise. Now learning stage is finish and they have responsible to teach other on the basis of what they gain from the previous experiences.
For those who failed in the mid-career they can’t modify the world as they dreamed.
At the late career they candidate is enough mature and just not to stuck with the current job and looking forward to the retirement plan or looking forward to some personal investment in some where they can grab some potentials


When the time comes to retirement the devoted person some time go through with a tough time. they cannot accept a decline in the life because somehow, they are hard workers and efficient and star of the organization.

At this time management are more concerned with the right matching for new employees. If the organization successfully placed the right employee for the right job, organization get more advantage from a significant individual.